5 Simple Seo Tips For Great Search Engine Results

September 14th, 2010 by price351 Leave a reply »


Just a quick email to help improve your websites ranking in the search engines,
below I’ve jotted down 5 basic seo tips that are often overlooked by many websites

Check your website and make sure you doing these few simple steps for best results
within the serps.

1) Ensure your website page titles state what you do or what you provide, it should
contain the first few words a customer would type into a search engine (keywords)
when looking for your product or service. Create a unique title for every page in your

Good Page Title “Healthy Treats For Kids”
Bad Page Title “The Sweet Shop”

2) Your website pages meta description should be a short snippet of what your website
or page is about, it’s best used as a call to action (encourage people to click your link)
combined with your relevant keywords, try to keep it no more than two lines long.

Good Description “Healthy Snacks and Treats. For Kids of All Ages. Try these ideas, or
use them as a starting point for your kids to invent their own healthy food…”

Bad Description “We wouldn’t let our kids eat sugar straight from the sugar bowl. But

we tend not to think about the sugar … Healthy snacks for kids – fact or fiction …”

3) At the top most part of your websites body you should have a heading in most
cases it should be very similar to your page title. It’s best formatted within the html using
the correct heading tag <H1>Heading Here</H1> , you can also you h2, h3, h4 and so
on to show sub headings on your page.

4) Often overlooked is the webpages filename, instead of saving your page a frontpage.html
or page.html try using a keyword phrase in the file name such as treats-for-kids.html seperate
each word with a hyphen – Note don’t rename your index.html, index.htm , index.php or any
other file called index as a keyword.

5) Add an alt text description to each of your websites main images (not the formatting / nav images)
just a few words for each image helps the search engines understand what the image is,
you can also save these images using keywords in the same way as the page filename.
so instead of image1.gif you could have healthy-choco-treat.gif

Okay, that’s me done for today. I know it’s basic and you probably have most if not all these
items covered but I’m sure it will help some people.

If you liked this article on seo tips you may want to check out this seo video I made which goes into seo in more detail and explains some other website optimization tricks you can use.

Best Regards



  1. Widya says:

    Thank you for your onpage-seo tips. It is very useful . I have tried install to my site.

  2. Atangha says:

    I must tell you Lee that i enjoy every little tip you hand out. since i have been following these tips, my website has enjoyed some good visibility. thanks a million

  3. Ben Thoden says:


    Great Article! You know these tips maybe basic for some but it is a great reminder to go back to the basics. I truly believe we all get caught up in trying new things.

    Thanks for the tips

  4. mike lee says:

    Thumbs up!
    these are steps that are overlooked.
    Hey never thought about the file name thing. nice idea

  5. Rob Xifos says:

    good to know that I’m on the right lines when designing websites

  6. markus rudy says:

    Thank you for your helping information

  7. Anil Pandey says:

    Its these small issues which we tend to overlook in our zeal for good SERPs. Many a times sticking to the basics does make a lot of sense.

  8. Ben Stuart says:

    Helpful tips, thanks.

  9. Raushan Kumar says:

    Your information is really good and useful to all website owner to make a baklink and grow business.

  10. Farantos Resort .com says:

    Lee ,  you are a very special man ! Thank you a lot for all informations.

  11. aully bukan says:

    thanks for information,,,

    been to my blog to get backlinks

  12. Juegos says:

    thanks this helped me learn many things

  13. rob masters says:

    good to know that what I’m doing is along the right lines.

  14. Fred says:

    Thank you for 5 great tips ,to improve my website. I shall check them out today . Best Regards . Fred T

  15. popfanta says:

    Thanks for seo tips very good article , I did it but still not well I will try more hard job.

  16. nourdine says:

    Thank you for the basic info about SEO, I knew some of them

  17. Vinay Menon says:

    Yes these tips are very vital for rankings in Search Engine Results. I would love if there could be more education on Article Submission as well. I understand this is Vital too.
    Looking ahead to the next post.

  18. Wendy says:

    Thank you for your great tips. Keep them coming, they are so helpful to me. I’m only new to SEO and need alot of tips.

  19. Great Post. Thanks Lee! I find the comment on the images correctly. My best greetings from Italy:)

  20. Laziz Pakwan says:

    Very useful and informative, I’ll be sure to pass this along to my tech guys and my friends

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