Archive for the ‘Free Stuff’ category

Personal message from the Admin

April 3rd, 2013
Lee here, I hope you’re well?
I just sending you a quick message about a tool that will improve your
website traffic and earnings.
Over these past few years or so I’ve been using a super simple system that
has grown my online business to levels I’d never thought were possible…
not for me anyway, and I’ve always dreamed big.
I’ll cut to the chase because I want this to be a quick message. My
super secret system to growing my business beyond my dreams….
Wait for it…
…Wait for it
Email Marketing. (what the hell? boring! spam?)
Yes, I’m deadly serious! Please, think about this for a minute.
I know it sounds very 90’s, dull and you may even be thinking about
spammy emails. But times have changed and e-marketing is a must
have tool for the modern successful business owner. 
You’re reading my email right now because of email marketing. You provided
your email address in exchange for access to one of my free guides or services.
Email marketing allows you to build a ongoing relation with people and this
ultimatleyhelps you to sell more of your products and services.
So my question is, isn’t it time you started email marketing too?
Your answershould of course and absolutley be, a big fat YES.
Email marketing is so simple but so powerful and it consists of two basic parts.
1) The Email Capture Form.
In exchange for your visitors email address you’ll provide them something they
want.It could be a guide, service, tips, discount coupon or anything you like.
2) The Autoresponder List. 
A special kind of software that manages all your email subscribers
and what messages they should receive and when.
With these two basic parts in place you’ll have a active subscriber list that
you cancontactat anytime, and it will grow to become your biggestonline
I highly recommend you start email marketing today by clicking the link below
this text and downloading my free guide.
or copy and paste the code below into your browsers address bar
The sooner you start building your list the faster it will grow and the more profit
producingpower it will have. This truely is a must have asset if you’re serious
about beingsuccessful online.
If you need any help or have any questions about e-marketing just reply to this
email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Hope you have great day.
Best Regards

Free Banner Rotator Script Plus Tracking

July 19th, 2012


Recently I spent a great deal of time looking for a solution to a problem that I, and many other website owners were having. The problem was the rotation of banner advertisments and the tracking of impressions and clicks across our websites.

I’d done some searching and tested many different softwares, scripts and tools that claimed to offer what I needed but none of them worked properly or didn’t provided the basic functions I wanted.

Eventually I found a free banner rotator and tracking service called Clixtrac and wow! Problem Solved.

Clixtrac provides the banner rotation and tracking solution that I was looking for, and best of all they offered this service free of charge. It’s also worth mentioning they offer a premium service which I’ve recently upgraded to and now use this personally for all of my banner tracking.

Below is a overview of the Clixtrac control panel used to setup your tracking campaigns.

Home Page:-

From the starting page you’ll get a good overview of your current banner campaigns. It has three main sections:  Account snap shot (line graph showing daily clicks), Top 10 Referers (pie chart showing click from each referring site) and current campaigns. » Read more: Free Banner Rotator Script Plus Tracking

Sucking Up Free Traffic Using Google Alerts

December 1st, 2011


I hope you had a great weekend.

Today’s free traffic tip is something a little bit different than the regular methods I’ve discussed in the past but when you use this method correctly you can get a good volume of very targeted people onto your site.

In this article I’ll show you how to use Google Alerts for lead (targeted visitors) generation and how it can be used to keep a eye on the competition. » Read more: Sucking Up Free Traffic Using Google Alerts

Best iphone Apps For Internet Marketers

September 27th, 2011

If you’re into internet marketing or run any kind of online business you’ve probably already got a smart phone and have started using it to help manage your online operations.

Your iphone can be used for so much more than just checking your email or browsing the net.

Below are some the best iphone apps I have personally used to help with my internet marketing.

1) CB Stats

This great little app allows to check on your clickbank account and check your daily sales just as if were logged in at the clickbank website. Just enter your clickbank details for the first time setup and choose a pin to keep the app secure. Then open the app and enter your pin to reveal your clickbank sales securely over any network. You can also add a additional 4 clickbank accounts and keep a check on them all without muliple logins and passwords.

Get this app for your iphone Here

» Read more: Best iphone Apps For Internet Marketers

Even More Free Back Links

August 10th, 2011


The original Free Back Links post received lots of attention and over 500 people left quality comments and received the back links as promised, but the page some how got messed up and it stopped allowing comments. So this page is the new replacement page and provides the same great service.

I’d like to link to your site.

I’ve seen some other sites doing this and I thought it was a really good idea. So I thought why not provide the same feature for my readers.

How to Get the Free Back Link:

1) In the comments area below simply add your website link (url) with a short description of the site using NO more than 200 characters.
2) Make sure you put the phrase “link me up” in your comment so I can make sure it doesn’t get caught by the spam filter.
3) Only one comment/link per website.
4) No porn, adult site links please.

The Catch?

There is no catch. Honest!

How it works

After posting a comment it will be held for moderation before it is shown on our site. I’ll try to get all comments approved within a few hours of posting.

Could You Do Me A Favor?

If you found this helpful, would you mind stumbling this page?

You don’t have to, but I’d really appreciate it.

Other Sites Offering Free Back Links:

Please leave your comments below