Posts Tagged ‘list’

Personal message from the Admin

April 3rd, 2013
Lee here, I hope you’re well?
I just sending you a quick message about a tool that will improve your
website traffic and earnings.
Over these past few years or so I’ve been using a super simple system that
has grown my online business to levels I’d never thought were possible…
not for me anyway, and I’ve always dreamed big.
I’ll cut to the chase because I want this to be a quick message. My
super secret system to growing my business beyond my dreams….
Wait for it…
…Wait for it
Email Marketing. (what the hell? boring! spam?)
Yes, I’m deadly serious! Please, think about this for a minute.
I know it sounds very 90’s, dull and you may even be thinking about
spammy emails. But times have changed and e-marketing is a must
have tool for the modern successful business owner. 
You’re reading my email right now because of email marketing. You provided
your email address in exchange for access to one of my free guides or services.
Email marketing allows you to build a ongoing relation with people and this
ultimatleyhelps you to sell more of your products and services.
So my question is, isn’t it time you started email marketing too?
Your answershould of course and absolutley be, a big fat YES.
Email marketing is so simple but so powerful and it consists of two basic parts.
1) The Email Capture Form.
In exchange for your visitors email address you’ll provide them something they
want.It could be a guide, service, tips, discount coupon or anything you like.
2) The Autoresponder List. 
A special kind of software that manages all your email subscribers
and what messages they should receive and when.
With these two basic parts in place you’ll have a active subscriber list that
you cancontactat anytime, and it will grow to become your biggestonline
I highly recommend you start email marketing today by clicking the link below
this text and downloading my free guide.
or copy and paste the code below into your browsers address bar
The sooner you start building your list the faster it will grow and the more profit
producingpower it will have. This truely is a must have asset if you’re serious
about beingsuccessful online.
If you need any help or have any questions about e-marketing just reply to this
email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Hope you have great day.
Best Regards

Big List Of Best Backlinks For Your Website

October 25th, 2010


In this post I’ll show you how to get some top quality back links (a hyper link from one site to another) from a variety of different sources, each source is completely unique and I hope to give you a little insight into some of the methods you can use to create back links . When linking to your website you should always try to focus the links using your keywords in the anchor text of the link if it’s possible.

1)  Google Profiles The big G allows you to create your very own profile page on, use the link and create your own profile page, add a picture and some text about yourself and then add a few links to your websites. Save the page and your done. » Read more: Big List Of Best Backlinks For Your Website

List your website on 300+ others in a few clicks

September 30th, 2010


I short while ago I wrote to you telling you about the premium search engine
submission service and Wow! what a response we’ve had, people are loving it.

Originally we planned only to offer a search engine submission service but now we’ve
added a social & web 2.0 submission service and this means you can put your
website and it’s content all over the net in just a few clicks and without using any spammy
methods » Read more: List your website on 300+ others in a few clicks

Big List Of Free Press Release Sites

May 29th, 2010

Firstly a special thank you goes out to Dana_W of the warrior forum who created and updated the original list.

Press release sites can be used to promote just about anything but these sites work best when you have something really good to shout about perhaps your new website, product or service?

Just visit each site and enter your details, try to provide as much information as possible because we all know how much Google loves content but it also allows people to get their first insight into your website. » Read more: Big List Of Free Press Release Sites

Building your list with articles

October 9th, 2009

You can build your list simply by writing articles, whether you have thought of it or not.

Quite simply, you write and submit your articles on your topic of expertise or business nature to popular article directories where eZine publishers and readers are looking for the information you provide.

Leveraging your viral marketing efforts on article writing can be rewarding, if done right. In the real sense, you are actually proving your worth and demonstrating your expertise about your business through the articles you write.

So, how can this method in effect build your mailing list? The answer: the resource box you attach to your articles. In your resource box (also known as bio box), you include a brief detail about yourself and your business site together with its URL.

It is strongly suggested that your resource box URL links to your mailing list’s landing page where you can get your visitor’s name and email address, which will in turn help you build your mailing list at no cost.

If your articles are found worth sharing, eZine publishers will republish your articles together with your resource box for their readers and subscribers. The wonderful result: viral marketing without effort on your part!

You can start by writing and submitting your articles to trusted article submitter sites such as and begin your article marketing journey today.