A Fresh New Web Traffic Secret

March 6th, 2010 by admin Leave a reply »


After the success of my recent Yahoo answers article, I’ve decided to share some of my other traffic secrets with you.

This traffic secret is a new fresh source of traffic that I only discovery just the other day. This traffic tip is not going to blow your website away with a mass of traffic but it will send a couple dozen visitors and provide you with a high PR (Page Rank) Back link.

Okay on with the secret.

Have you heard of Bob Parsons?

No, what about GoDaddy?

Okay, Bob Parsons is the owner and founder of GoDaddy.com the world’s largest provider of domain names.

From the main GoDaddy.com website Bob Parsons runs a video blog that provides all sorts of very useful business advice. I highly recommenced watching the videos for some great business tips.

After you have watched a video you will notice that Bob actively encourages you to leave a comment. This is were you can bring traffic to your site and a quality back link.

In the comments box just fill in your details and include your website address.

DO NOT SPAM HERE – Please do not spam the comment box, write something like:

Wow! Bob,

It’s nice to hear some quality advice from a top business man such as yourself, I thought the Super Bowl video was very entertaining, it’s a shame they would not allow it to be aired on T.V.



### Be sure to check out my website for free url submission ###

Read through the other comments to get an idea of the sort of things that are allowed, once you have posted check your website statistics a few days later and see what results you get.

Please feel free to share this article (linking back of course), and leave your comments below.



GoDaddy.com Hosting & Servers



  1. Dianne Lowe says:

    Thanks, Lee,
    Great article and useful information.

  2. Thank you lee, it is an useful article Thank you so much

  3. johann says:

    Thanks Lee, as always a stirling piece of copy with tons of learning.

  4. Thank you Lee for idea.

  5. Brad Malone says:

    Thank you, Lee Very informative information, Good work

  6. Craig Carda says:

    Lee Awesome Information! I also watched a video of you on you tube did not know you were that young as well. I started doing some E commerce and applying these techniques. But Still confused by putting my website at http://www.ugot2havethis.com on someone else website helps back links and what it does for it, Ive read countless articles and it just says they are important? but why?

  7. Tom Sawyer says:

    thats a pretty useful tip Lee. Thanks for sharing the info. Hoping to get more on the way… :)

  8. Keith says:

    Thank Lee I appreciate all your help and advice way to go.

  9. vhd28 says:

    Hey Lee,
    Thanks,Great article as always

  10. Chris says:

    Lee, good morning,

    So you’re noticing/monitoring that comments in forums or community boards STILL have a positive impact on rankings? Everything I’ve seen over the past couple of years has come down pretty hard on those types of backlinks…

    I’ll be following your blog closely, need all the help I can get out here, thanks!

  11. Ron Kish says:

    Hi Lee
    Every time a newsletter arrives from you, it shows me a new plan of action that really works. It just works. That is my main goal in life. It just works.
    I am a long haul truck driver. See what a Big Rig life is about at http://sittingatthedock.blogspot.com
    A portrait of contemporary American life, as seen through the eyes of long-haul drivers.

  12. Randy Mason says:

    Another great article Lee. We can always count on you for helping us with our online marketing Thx

  13. David says:

    I always read and use your advices. Thank you Lee

  14. ammu says:

    great article thank you for shearing lee. well done.

  15. Swagat says:

    Wow…This was completely new idea to get backlink from godaddy…I never thought I would get backlink from domain providers…

    Thanks lee…

  16. Hi Lee its great to get unique ideas on backlinks from you. Since Bob Parson’s video is not working I need your help in getting backlinks from GoDaddy to my site http://www.ranaruby.in

  17. Robert Davis says:

    Hello Lee It’s a really good thing to know how to get unique backlinks from unique domains. I would also know some other tricks to get backlinks, I am really big thankful to you to provide such a good and information.

  18. So much great advice! I registered my domain name with go daddy, but i had no idea they were a great backlink source. Thanks Lee!

    Rebecca Walkden

  19. Natasha Sen says:

    Thanks Lee for this ideas, I never heard of getting a backlink from such a great website. Will be waiting for tips from you..

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