Busters Canine Supply Outlet

July 1st, 2010 by admin Leave a reply »
I am excited to announce the opening of my new website. It is called Buster’s Canine
Supply Outlet, and as you have probably guessed I sell dog supplies. At Busters we
also promote Shelter Pet Adoption and Crate Training your pet. We have an information
page that explains the importance of Crate Training and how to accomplish it successfully.
We also have a Links Page where you will find many Rescue Shelters and Shelter Directories.
I choose my products carefully because I only want the best for these loving animals. You will
never find any harmful, or what I consider cruel products on my site.
I refuse to sell or promote any of these products. That said, let me tell you about the products
I do sell.

Midwest Dog Crates: available in a variety of styles and sizes
Pet Dreams Cratewear: cratewear set includes crate bed, bumper pad, and dog crate cover
Orthopedic Dog Beds: 2 styles in a variety of sizes that will fit most Midwest Crates
Plush Bumper Beds: A lofty center pillow surrounded by plush bumpers on all 4 sides
Classic & Plush Sleepezz Dog/Crate Beds: Reversible bed that is washer and dryer safe
Petsafe Dog Doors: Wall Mounted – Door Mounted – Sliding Glass Mounted
Weaver Leather Leashes and Collars

Well, this is a brief overview of my new store. I will be adding new products soon. I would love
to hear from you with any ideas or suggestions you might have. Tell me what products would
be of interest to you, any problems you might be having with your pet, or just what you think
of my new website. I would love to hear from you so, come to Busters Canine Supply Outlet

Remember: When looking for a new pet for your family, please make your local Pet Shelter

your first choice. When you adopt a homeless animal you are Saving Life!



  1. D Wigginton says:

    Good luck with your business and hope it brings to you what you desire, we are in process of making our own pet food and developing site at moment.

  2. CSRedRat says:

    Congrats on opening your new store

  3. Thank you for the good luck wish Mary. I could use all the luck I can get!

  4. Congrats on opening your new store. I wish you the best of luck and will be visiting you shortly.

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