Can I Get Your Thoughts On This?

September 20th, 2010 by price351 Leave a reply »


For a while now I’ve been thinking about releasing my own information product, but before I jump right in and start creating it, I wanted to get your thoughts on what it should have within it.

Okay, so the basic idea is to show people how to make money online using small, simple and easy to create websites.

How much money? you ask,

I would like to teach people how to reproduce an income of $1000+ per month using just one revenue stream, it should be noted that by using additional revenue streams the income will be improved massively. But I really want people to concentrate on the basic principles before they get all wrapped up in many different things.

Right now I expect the product to be made up of four modules and each module will take a person step by step through each and every process.

1) The research: How to do research and find the right markets to enter

2) The website: How to setup a money making website from scratch (I think I will also include some templates)

3) Traffic: How to drive a mass of visitors to your website

4) Money: (Conversion / Testing / Tuning) Now that you have all the basics in place this part will show you how to actually make money from your website, and then build upon your initial success and improve your earnings per visitor.

Okay that’s the concept, but I need to ask this initial question (below).

I’d also like to know what other items should be included in the product, how simple should the product be, what do you think you would need most help with, is after sales / ongoing support important, would you rather just a how to get traffic guide?

If you would like to add comments, questions or suggestions for this product please leave them in the comments area below.




  1. S.S.Afsar says:

    hi Lee,
    It sounds interesting and I would be interested. Could you also update me weather we can submit our preferred keywords for our products listed on the site and would they be valid for search results?
    kindly update

  2. Millie says:

    I also think 20. Although products like this already exist I still think there is room for one more.

  3. Igor says:

    I voted 20 just to see most voters did the same!

    As most folks that comented here said, you are heading against such a confusin market due to the weird competiton that it will be rather difficult to emerge out of the crowds.

    If you need a beta tester I can take it, I love to try things out.

    Let me know

  4. This product exist already and I get lots of email everyday with the same sales pitch, however good luck, it is a very crowded market.

  5. Anton says:

    I would buy a website that is fully automated.Makes money on its own without me having to move a finger.I would like the website to have CSM features and build its own content as well as submit itself an a regular basis to search engines.I like a flash website, something like want a website that will generate a growing income by itself nich optomised and fully automatic with state of the art technology. This website should produce at least $1000 to $20000 per month.Guaranteed.I have a full time job that is not paying enuff but keeps me to bussy to fokus my attention on other way’s of generating an incom.If i can get a website like ive mentioned, it will give me freedom to do what i want to do.I i will tell as many people to do what i did.I am a South African and beleve me, people want this.

    • admin says:

      Hi, to my knowledge a website setup like that does not exist, if you want to earn the big bucks you will need to put in some work at least in the early days of the website.

  6. Yesterdays traffic from Forums is all but gone, most marketers will have a hard time keeping their signature url from being banned, Thats the way it is. Forums for content and helpful insight is what it’s about, No promoting of any sorts.
    Traffic is the Key, tell the truth on that topic and you will be a winner?

    • admin says:

      Hi Chris,

      forum marketing can be very effective when it’s done right but a lot of people get is so wrong. Here’s the right way to do it :
      1) Find a forum about something you like
      2) Complete your profile page & sig if allowed at this point
      3) Respond posts from other people, one liners are just not good enough.
      4) After about 10 reply posts you should be able to start your own post.
      Create a post that in interesting and beneficial to the other forum members (forget about promoting)
      keep writing as much as you can on some kind of regular basis, build up your reputation

      After days, weeks or even months of this you will receive traffic to you website via your signature.

      If this sounds like to much work, you may want to try PPC advertising and just pay for visitors.
      Not intended directly at you Chris :)

  7. 20+
    hi Lee,
    Hope for your success in market!!!
    i have been working as a seo analyst since 2006-2010 ,and market is changing day by a days peoples want excatly what they searching.
    so in my points of view
    1)market analysis
    5)info is power but it can 101% accuracy then ,can sale your products.


  8. Ernie Suess says:

    I have to agree with the consensus that there are too many scam sites profilerating on the web and it is very hard to get surfers to believe anything nowadays. Even myself, the moment I come across one I just delete it.
    You will need to start a blog where your members can see day-to-day how your product and site is doing and can also get ACCESS to you when they stumble.
    That’s the only way I see you getting traffic that TRUST in what you are trying to sell.
    Seriously, if your product can REALLY generate even $1000 a month, I would be glad to pay $100 for the product.

    • admin says:

      Hi Ernie,

      Thanks for your comments, yes trust is a big factor when it comes to people purchasing online items but I never thought it was quite so bad.

      Many people have been burned, scammed and plain old ripped off. Now, I’m even more inspired to build up trust and a system that actually works.


  9. dave haney says:

    Support!!! I dont know dilly about computers and would need all the help I could get- Im 40 plus and not a software wiz- but would make a great beta tester for ease of use, Peace, Dave

  10. credit cards says:

    Similar products are already sold in the market. Maybe you need to add as excellence is truly guidance products that could generate $ 1,000 per month as you promised. This result must be for real, and members can enjoy the convenience of your products. Thank you.

  11. Livegode says:

    Hi Lee,

    I will say this. The best product in the market is the one that speaks of itself and advertises itself proving how much it is worth by a flood of demandes it creates. The bad product is the one that the seller speaks for it and kills himself adversting it.

    Only you know what you get. Work on it and realse it, only then you will know its true value. If it creates a flood of demandes, it is good. If you squeeze your brain to push into ignorant people to buy it, then it is a bad product.

    What people want is a system which is:

    1) a look through the sholders to see and apply what you see immediately to see the same result;
    2) Cash discovery, which shows you cash rich market where money is and NOT cash poor market where there is no money.
    3) Income Identifier, which shows you where there is much traffic and why or what is in the end;
    4) How to drive the same much traffic to your website (traffic = $);
    5) How to be on the face page of search engines (for any keyword) to benefit maximum free exposure;
    6) How to replicate revenue.
    7) How to start making money online from scratch with little or no money to build up.

    If you can come up with a system that can do the above, it will speak of itself and advertise itself. It will make you a celebrity in the world of online business.

    Good luck to you my friend.

    • admin says:


      Thanks for your commments. I’d really like to make the system that sells itself and I’m sure it’s possible.

      I know my methods are sound because I use them everyday to make money from my own sites, I’ve learnt a lot through my own mistakes and experiences. I’ll show people exactly how I do it and I will encourage them to DO IT!

      One of my concerns is getting people to take action after buying the product, but if and when they apply my methods I know they will see results. Once some initial results are achived, confidence grows and this leads to even bigger results. Once people belive in themselves, super things can happen.

  12. Maybe $20, but can you promise them that they will make a profit from it .and will you work with them to show them how to make a profit.when i say work with them i
    mean help them make there first sale.There is a lot of crap on the market and people work hard for there money
    and not to throw it away. They try it and then find out it don’t work and they lose there money.

  13. Martin says:

    Like a lot of the people are saying. The problem is credibility. Why your product? I agree that if you produce a step by step product that actually, if followed, will produce $1000 per month in, say, 6 months, and has the potential to expand each month after that, then the world will beat a path to your door waving $20 notes at you. Must be point and click with all steps included. A > B > C > D = profit in 6 months. If it works and you are successful, count me in! Best wishes!

  14. Adrian says:

    My thing is there are louds of crap thinks already on the market and even if you sell it for 2, 3 , 20 $ you still gonna strugle to sell any because we’ve heard it all before. My opinion,Good luck

  15. CiTyBlUe says:

    Theres only one problem you should be considering right now.

    Thats how to get the sceptical buyers to believe in your product, there are many scams out there and that is what your up against.

    You need to prove to your customers that your way is the best way and reasure them that they are not seeing just another scam.

    If you can do that your job is 98% complete

    99% sale
    100% happy customer

  16. says:

    …would you consider a free trial ?
    If your way works for many $200+ shouldn’t be a problem -results, results, results
    differentiate or die

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