.CO Domains Names

July 20th, 2010 by admin Leave a reply »


Have you got yours yet?

If you’ve not already heard about it .CO domain names are being released to the public today.

.CO domains names are set to take over the world and have the potential to be bigger than .COM’s

I could go on all day about the benefits of .CO’s but I thought I would share the idea I’m using to capitalize on this opportunity.

1) Search Google and look for a data on expensive .COM’s sold in the past
DataRecovery.com sold for $1,659,000
Invest.com sold for $1,015,000
iReport.com sold for $750,000

There are thousands of others domains sold for huge amounts of money.

2) Copy all the domain names into excel or notepad, removing all the extensions .com .co.uk .org so your left with just the name.

3) Use the link on the right or the bottom of this email and then enter all the name into the “bulk domain checker”
4) When you find a name that has not been registered, buy it and sell it in the future for mega bucks.

If you use your imagination you can come up with all sorts of other names that you could make money from mexi.co for example, or your town, state, county or even country.

Basically any popular .COM domain name can be purchased as .CO unless somebody else has already claimed it.

Be quick though because a massive rush will be on to get all the top names.

Click here to Register your .CO Now!



  1. Great tip but I got it a little too late…I wonder if there are still some good ones out there??


  2. ok, will do ,this is a great article , I will try to adjust my website to some of the of the suggestions , we operate in a small country which is going to get their independance on 10-10-10 so I am surely considered a niche bussines operating between all the big travel agents:

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