300+ websites want you.

October 15th, 2013 by admin 20 comments »

Lee here from Free-Web-Submission. I wanted to let you know that I’ve recently updated the premium submission members area with some great new traffic tools.
When you access the premium submission service today you’ll also receive unlimited access to a arsenal of tools designed to assist in your website promotion efforts.


Take advantage of this exclusive offer today by clicking on the link below this text.

==> http://www.free-web-submission.com/1/premium.html

Here’s the main reason why our customers keep using our premium service:
“It Works”
Since adding the social media & web 2.0 submission service you can blast out
your website and its content all over the net in just a few clicks.
Our system is so quick & easy.
No more filling out long forms
No more confirming your email address over and over
No more getting back links one by one
No more creating profile pages
No more joining facebook pages and groups
With our simple 3 step social submission system you can’t go wrong.
Imagine your website and / or its content on all these sites
(click here if you can’t see the sites)
Using our premium submission service allows you to submit as much as you want and as often as you want to all these social sites and many others.
It’s super easy and damn quick.
1) Enter a title for the stuff or website you’re submitting
2) Enter the website address 
3) Click Submit
And you’re done!
We take care of the rest, your website will be listed on these sites in minutes.
Take advantage of this exclusive offer by clicking on the link below this text.

==> http://www.free-web-submission.com/1/premium.html

But that’s not all, you also get all these extra services.
Premium Submission Service
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Use the members area to submit your website url (domain name) to all the websites
described below, the end result is more traffic and better visibility within search engines.
+ Website submission to 141 search engines
+ Bonus submission to 50 Social & Web 2.0 sites
+ 25 Free Back Links from textlinks.com
+ 101 Traffic Tips Report
+ Directory Submission Software
+ Blog Commenting Software
+ Unlimited Access to 77 SEO Tools
+ *New* 1900+ Backlinks Builder
Special Valued Customer Price Only $9.95
(Yes, Less Than Ten Dollars)
Take advantage of this exclusive offer by clicking on the link below this text.
Note: Some companies charge upto $100 for a similar service.
Kind Regards
P.S If you don’t take me up on this offer today
their is a good chance you will never be able
to purchase & “lock in” with the extra tools.

Traffic Alert!

October 14th, 2013 by admin 5 comments »
# Unlimited traffic for all your websites in one simple solution #
Is your website getting all the traffic it deserves?
Many websites barely receive more than a few hundred vistitors per month
and at these levels you’ll probably struggle to afford hosting & domain
Traffic is a essential ingredient for the success of your website.
I thought about this traffic problem a lot a few years back and set out on a
mission to source the biggest vloumes of traffic without all the time consuming
work and complexity.
The end result was the Premium submission service. All the software, tools & guides
included are specially picked to give you easy access to the mass of traffic that flows
around the internet.
Here’s a snippet of the tools you’ll find inside the members area.
Premium Submission Service
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Use the members area to submit your website url (domain name) to all the websites
described below, the end result is more traffic and better visibility within search engines.
+ Website submission to 141 search engines
+ Bonus submission to 50 Social & Web 2.0 sites
+ 25 Free Back Links from textlinks.com
+ 101 Traffic Tips Report
+ Directory Submission Software
+ Blog Commenting Software
+ Unlimited Access to 77 SEO Tools
+ *New* 1900+ Backlinks Builder
But that’s not all; you’ll also get lots of extra tools, software guides and more inside the
jam packed members area.
Special Valued Subscriber Price Only $9.95
(Yes, Less Than Ten Dollars)
Take advantage of this exclusive offer by clicking on the link below this text.

Note: Some companies charge upto $100 for a similar service.
Kind Regards
P.S If you don’t take me up on this offer today
their is a good chance you will never be able
to purchase & “lock in” with the extra tools.

ViberSpy Pro Overview Review & Demo

May 16th, 2013 by admin 4 comments »
Lee Price here, I hope you and your website are doing well.
Today I’ve got something a little bit special for you, its special because
it will help increase several aspects of your website and in particular your
websites conversions.
As any smart webmaster knows, two things are required for a website to
besuccessful. Traffic & Conversions.
A conversion is when a visitor to your website performs a desired action, it
couldbe a purchase, filling a form, visiting a specific page, clicking a link e.t.c
One simple way to increase the success of your website is to increase its
conversionsand a few months back I was allowed exclusive access to beta test
a new trackingsoftware that increases conversions dramatically.
This simple software allows you to record your visitors actions while on your site
andthis gives you a valuable insight into understanding your visitors and their
actions and thusprovide a better and higher converting website proposition.
My friend Ricky made a short video about the ViberSpy software and you can
watchit by clicking below or this direct link ==> http://youtu.be/KAL5lbNW970
To see more detailed information on this powerful software please click the link
Hope you have a great & high converting day.
Best Regards
Lee Price

Personal message from the Admin

April 3rd, 2013 by admin 23 comments »
Lee here, I hope you’re well?
I just sending you a quick message about a tool that will improve your
website traffic and earnings.
Over these past few years or so I’ve been using a super simple system that
has grown my online business to levels I’d never thought were possible…
not for me anyway, and I’ve always dreamed big.
I’ll cut to the chase because I want this to be a quick message. My
super secret system to growing my business beyond my dreams….
Wait for it…
…Wait for it
Email Marketing. (what the hell? boring! spam?)
Yes, I’m deadly serious! Please, think about this for a minute.
I know it sounds very 90’s, dull and you may even be thinking about
spammy emails. But times have changed and e-marketing is a must
have tool for the modern successful business owner. 
You’re reading my email right now because of email marketing. You provided
your email address in exchange for access to one of my free guides or services.
Email marketing allows you to build a ongoing relation with people and this
ultimatleyhelps you to sell more of your products and services.
So my question is, isn’t it time you started email marketing too?
Your answershould of course and absolutley be, a big fat YES.
Email marketing is so simple but so powerful and it consists of two basic parts.
1) The Email Capture Form.
In exchange for your visitors email address you’ll provide them something they
want.It could be a guide, service, tips, discount coupon or anything you like.
2) The Autoresponder List. 
A special kind of software that manages all your email subscribers
and what messages they should receive and when.
With these two basic parts in place you’ll have a active subscriber list that
you cancontactat anytime, and it will grow to become your biggestonline
I highly recommend you start email marketing today by clicking the link below
this text and downloading my free guide.
or copy and paste the code below into your browsers address bar
The sooner you start building your list the faster it will grow and the more profit
producingpower it will have. This truely is a must have asset if you’re serious
about beingsuccessful online.
If you need any help or have any questions about e-marketing just reply to this
email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Hope you have great day.
Best Regards

John Thornhill Banned by Google?

November 6th, 2012 by admin 1 comment »


A few years ago John Thornhill logged into his Google AdWords
account to find out he had been banned from running ads. What made
things worse was the mighty Google didn’t give any explanation.

One thing that was for sure is they didn’t want his business, and
the chances are that if you’re in the IM niche they don’t want your
business either. They can afford to be selective with their ad
program as they have huge corporations pumping billions of dollars
into their bank accounts, small guys like us who promote the
typical Internet Marketing related product aren’t needed. So Google
give us a hard time.

The truth is that if you rely on Google for your traffic you are
playing a dangerous game. They can close your AdWords account
without explanation. However, John doesn’t rely on Google for any
of his traffic and last year his websites received over 2 billion
hits. Yes, you read that correctly, OVER 2 BILLION HITS, and it
didn’t cost him one cent.

And the good news is John shares how he generated every single
click in his latest product, Simple Traffic Solutions. A step by
step traffic generation program that can help you get all the
traffic you need to your websites. So if you need to drive more
traffic to your websites (who doesn’t) then this is something you
need to check out.

==> http://www.free-web-submission.com/GO/simpletraffic/

To your success

Lee Price

P.S. We don’t need Google, as you will see when you check this out.

==> http://www.free-web-submission.com/GO/simpletraffic/