Share Your Traffic Tips & Get More Traffic

August 18th, 2010 by autouser Leave a reply »


I’ve been very busy working on some other projects and this means I can’t update the blog as often as I would like.


You can help me, by sharing the methods you use to drive traffic to your website.

I will share your post with members of free-web-submission and this will provide you will much deserved credit and also and nice bit of traffic to your website.

Here’s what you need to do.

1) Register a new an account on this blog – Link here
You are now a contributor which means you can write articles for this blog

2) Log in

3) Create a new post about a traffic method you use for your website, your welcome to include pictures, videos and links to the resource that provides traffic but please try to focus on the quality and length of the text in your article.

4) Select the categorie/s that best describe the method and also add tags.

5) Add a little about you or your business at the bottom with a link to your website.

6) Press the submit for review button.

Notes & Rules:
Articles should be unique and be at least 200 words in length.
Please don’t include any scripts into the html of the article.
Each article will be reviewed before it gets published to the blog and I reserve the right to reject any post.



  1. Nice article, quality article writing and article submission increase the rate of inbound link, number of visitors, hits, onto our website.

  2. metin says:

    thanks for nice article. I hope it will be useful.

  3. umut says:

    thanks for the info. I think it will be useful.

  4. abdul majid says:

    this is a good opportunity to make your site rank better.

  5. 19 August,2010 at 3 PM.
    Link me up,please
    http://www.tangent .net
    Dear friend,
    I have gone through your e.mail in which you have asked me to write blog.In response to your e.mail,I say that in the past I have never written a blog.Hence I do not have any knowledge of writing a blog.

  6. Waleed says:

    Nice article and good job

  7. kasmala Khan says:

    Hello every body well to increase the traffic on mu website i am doing the simple just linking with the famous directories & also advertising my site via blogs of famous site & also my site have very famous keywords

  8. javad haseb says:

    This is an awesome opportunity.
    I think I will be the first contributor.


  9. Mathews says:

    I beg to differ. I have tried guest blogging. But has failed because very often the moderator removes the comment or blog because of unknown reason despite my effort to write the blog better than my own blog. Out of 10 of my articles at least 6 gets removed within a month’s time. If anyone can suggest something better.

  10. ball mill says:

    Maybe that is an opprotunity for traffic of your website.

  11. iyad r says:

    This is an awesome idea, Thanks

  12. ngatin2 says:

    Guest Blogging is a good practice

  13. Kannan says:

    Guest Blogging is a good practice! Guys who want to increase the traffic can use this technique.

  14. First things first get yourself a good domain name as some search engines will use your web address and treat parts of it as keywords along with your meta tags page title’s pictures on web pages fill all the alt tags with text also some keywords in there to but make sure that all text entered in anything you have on your website links to what you are doing as you will get punished for just entering keywords or text that is not relevant to you and your website. I hope this helps you towards getting things started i am in the first stages of getting things moving with my website we deal with online inductions for companies and have a testing facility built into the website that gives a pass or fail to inductions taken please visit us as being a new company it’s hard to get started we would like for people to review our website and give feedback thank you.

  15. This is an awesome opportunity. I think I will be the first contributor.


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