Secret Backlink System to Get Your Website in the Search Engines Fast
Have you had it with trying to find good backlinks?
Doesn’t it always seem like google just does not want to index your pages?
Yes I had the same questions a few years ago when I first started my websites. Every week I would work on placing more backlinks to get higher rankings. But every week my pages would continue to stay out of the search engines.
I have a secret backlink system and its like this.
I have figured out how to get quality backlinks and so can you.
Oh and get this, almost everyone will fail to gain quality backlinks because they are thinking quantity. And we can use this to our advantage.
So what is the backlink secret?
Well I call it the “Quality Link Juicer”
All the QLJ is, its a system to find high ranking website and then place your link on those pages.
1. The first high ranking site to get your website indexed and have backlinks is submitting to Digg. Submit all your inner pages to
2. Be active in 3 forums and post each day. Add your link to the signature and received nice backlinks to your site.
3. Find other blogs that are similar to yours. Then place comments about the content you read with a backlink to your website.
4. Do a Google search for your niche or keyword. Contact the website owners in the top 5 and ask for a link exchange.
5. Create quality content and place that content on article directories like EzineArticles and ArticleBase. You will be able to place your link back to your website in the article bio.
Warning: Be sure to follow each of these steps. And don’t expect to see high click through traffic from each high ranking site. All you want is backlinks for the search engines to find your site.
Right, and I am not sure you will be able to use these strategies.
To find out if we can help you make these steps work, download this Free SEO marketing course today. You also get a video course valued at $397 my gift to you.
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Sounds good to me , will try this on my site.